Website Lawyers | Domain Name Disputes | Counterfeit Websites | Fake Bad Reviews and Remedies

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorBrand Protection, Commercial, Copyright Infringement, Cyber Fraud, Cyber Libel, Domain Name Disputes, Information Technology, Internet | Technology, Internet Defamation, IT Arbitrator, Media Litigation, Online Defamation, Online Defamation, Online Harassment, Passing Off, Technology Arbitrator, Trademark Infringement, Website Copying0 Comments

In this blog we discuss a number of internet-based “dirty tricks” that competitors or others may deploy and which may have serious adverse consequences for you or your business. I also briefly mention the types of remedies which may be available to those victimized in this way. Confusingly Similar Domain Names  In today’s modern web-based commercial world, it is more important than ever to ensure that potential customers  and returning customers are properly connected with your website domain name, and to use domain names that are well-branded and associated with your business. It is not uncommon for competitors, cyber-squatters, or other persons to obtain control of domain names that are confusingly similar to your trademarks, business names, or your domain name. Then there is a real risk that users seeking your website are instead directed elsewhere by that confusingly similar domain name. Recovering a Domain Name In order to recover … Read More

Ontario Superior Court of Justice Finds Expired Arbitration Award Relevant in Motion for Injunctive Relief

Gilbertson Davis LLPAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Arbitration, Arbitrators, Business Dispute Arbitrator, Business Disputes, Business Litigation, Commercial, Commercial and Contract Litigation, Commercial Arbitration, Commercial Arbitrator, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Law, Commercial Litigation, Contract Disputes, Corporate Litigation, Injunction & Specific Performance, Internet | Technology, Moving Litigation to Arbitration, Technology Arbitrator0 Comments

In Rogers v. TELUS Communications Inc., 2023 ONSC 5398, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice held that the terms of an expired arbitration decision are relevant when a party seeks injunctive relief that contradicts its terms. The moving and responding parties are both prominent competitors in the Canadian telecommunications market. Under a requirement imposed by the Government of Canada, their customers have the reciprocal ability to “roam” on the other carrier’s network in areas where their own carrier does not provide coverage. This obligation allows Canadian customers to access wireless services across the country. For a time, the parties did not agree on what was displayed to customers when they were roaming on a competitor’s network. The primary dispute was whether the network identifier (“NID”) displayed in the top-left corner of most mobile devices would connote an extension of their own carrier’s network (i.e. “[Carrier]-EXT”), or if it would notify customers … Read More

Procurement Dispute Arbitrator – Independent, Qualified, Reasonable Hourly Fees, and Good Availability

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorArbitration, Arbitrators, Commercial, Energy Arbitrator, Infrastructure Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitrator, International Joint Venture Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Joint Venture Arbitrator, Marine Arbitrator, Procurement Arbitrator, Procurement Dispute Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator, Transportation Arbitrator0 Comments

Procurement Arbitrator, Procurement Dispute Arbitration, Government Procurement ADR, Public Procurement Arbitrator, Goods and Services Dispute Arbitrator, Public Contract Arbitrator and P3 Contract Dispute Arbitrator Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST David Alderson is an independent, experienced and Qualified Arbitrator whose domestic and international practice in sale of goods and services, infrastructure, construction, projects, project finance and joint ventures make him an ideal choice as sole or panel arbitrator for procurement disputes involving any level of Government. The administration of arbitral services is provided by Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitration Chambers, an established arbitration chambers serving Ontario and elsewhere, from its office in the Toronto Financial District.  David Alderson has been appointed by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in commercial arbitration disputes. Procurement Disputes David can arbitrate disputes arising from contracts for goods or services involving any level of government in Canada, provinces or municipalities, multi-level joint venture, involving … Read More

Arbitration Chambers – in the Adelaide St. “Arbitration Alley”

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorArbitration, Arbitrators, Business Dispute Arbitrator, Case Management Arbitrator, Commercial Arbitrator, Employment Dispute Arbitrator, Franchise Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitrator, International Joint Venture Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Joint Venture Arbitrator, Litigation Motion Arbitrator, Marine Arbitrator, Motion by Arbitrator, Moving Litigation to Arbitration, Partnership Dispute Arbitrator, Real Estate Arbitrator, Reinsurance Arbitrator, Sale of Business Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Shareholder Dispute Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator, Transportation Arbitrator0 Comments  Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitration Chambers is established among the numerous arbitration chambers situated along or nearby the the short span of Adelaide Street between Bay and Yonge Street in the Toronto Financial District. Sole Arbitrator – from $495.00 per hour, plus HST Reasonable Fees and Good Availability  It offers experienced, independent and qualified commercial arbitrators and commercial mediators at very competitive and reasonable hourly fee rates and good availability for hearings for both substantive dispute arbitration and procedural arbitration. Commercial Arbitrators  All our arbitrators are senior legal practitioners who also accept appointments as independent arbitrators. They are distinguished in their respective areas of practice and have differing legal practice backgrounds, through diversity of their legal experience in the world of reinsurance, insurance, business disputes, shareholder and partnership disputes, international trade & distribution, sale of goods, share of businesses, procurement, commercial leasing, employment, technology and marine matters, and from foreign legal … Read More

Business Dispute Arbitrator – Qualified Arbitrator with Reasonable Fees

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorAgency Arbitrator, Arbitration, Arbitrators, Brokerage Arbitrator, Business Arbitrator, Business Dispute Arbitrator, Commercial, Commercial Arbitration, Commercial Arbitrator, Commercial Lease Arbitrator, Distribution Arbitrator, Employment Dispute Arbitrator, Energy Arbitrator, Franchise Arbitrator, Infrastructure Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitrator, Internet Arbitrator, Investment Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Joint Venture Arbitrator, Licensing Arbitrator, Partnership Arbitrator, Partnership Dispute Arbitrator, Real Estate Arbitrator, Reinsurance Arbitrator, Sale of Business Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Shareholder Arbitrator, Shareholder Dispute Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator0 Comments

Business Disputes Arbitrator | Business Claims Arbitrator | Experienced Business Dispute and Business Claim Arbitrator | Independent and Qualified Arbitrator with Reasonable Fees and Good Availability  Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST Experience  David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Qualified Arbitrator accepts arbitrator appointments, both as sole arbitrator and as panel arbitrator, for business disputes and business claims, including corporate disputes, shareholder disputes, joint venture disputes, family business disputes, closely held business disputes and start-up business disputes, as well as sale of business disputes. He is qualified, independent, and offers appointment on reasonable fees and with good availability. The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has appointed David as arbitrator in commercial arbitration matters and he regularly sits as an arbitrator in business and commercial disputes. David is a member of the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society, and has successfully completed the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society Gold Standard Course in … Read More

Experienced Commercial Arbitrator with Reasonable Hourly Fee Rate

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorCommercial, Commercial Arbitration, Commercial Lease Arbitrator, Condo Arbitrator, Construction Arbitrator, Distribution Arbitrator, Employment Dispute Arbitrator, Energy Arbitrator, Franchise Arbitrator, Infrastructure Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitrator, International Joint Venture Arbitrator, Internet Arbitrator, Investment Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Joint Venture Arbitrator, Licensing Arbitrator, Marine Arbitrator, Maritime Arbitrator, Partnership Arbitrator, Partnership Dispute Arbitrator, Real Estate Arbitrator, Reinsurance Arbitrator, Sale of Business Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Shareholder Arbitrator, Shareholder Dispute Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator, Transportation Arbitrator0 Comments

David Alderson – Experienced Commercial Arbitrator with Reasonable Hourly Fee Rates Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST Experienced and Qualified Commercial Arbitrator David has been accredited by the ADR Institute as Canada as a Qualified Arbitrator (Q.Arb). He accepts appointments as a commercial, international commercial, business dispute, real estate, commercial leasing, construction, condo, technology, marine, reinsurance  and employment arbitrator, at reasonable hourly rates and with good availability. David has acted as counsel in both domestic and international arbitration, including institutional and ad hoc arbitration.  David has completed the Foundations in Judicial Competencies Series, and has been granted a Certificate of Completion by the Ontario Bar Association. Trusted Arbitrator Appointed by the Court and by Agreement of Parties The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has appointed David as sole arbitrator in commercial arbitration matters.  On other occasions his appointment has been mutually agreed by the parties and their respective legal counsel. Membership … Read More

Toronto Arbitrators – Reasonable Fee & Good Availability

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorAgency Arbitrator, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Arbitration, Arbitrators, Brokerage Arbitrator, Business Arbitrator, Business Dispute Arbitrator, Commercial Arbitration, Commercial Arbitrator, Commercial Lease Arbitrator, Condo Arbitrator, Construction Arbitrator, Distribution Arbitrator, Employment Dispute Arbitrator, Energy Arbitrator, Franchise Arbitrator, Infrastructure Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitrator, International Joint Venture Arbitrator, Internet Arbitrator, Investment Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Joint Venture Arbitrator, Labour Arbitrator, Licensing Arbitrator, Marine Arbitrator, Maritime Arbitrator, Moving Litigation to Arbitration, Partnership Arbitrator, Partnership Dispute Arbitrator, Real Estate Arbitrator, Reinsurance Arbitrator, Roster Arbitrator, Sale of Business Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Shareholder Arbitrator, Shareholder Dispute Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator, Transportation Arbitrator0 Comments

Sole Arbitrator – from $495.00 per hour, plus HST Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitration Chambers Arbitrators  All of the Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitration Chambers arbitrators are senior legal practitioners who also accept appointments as arbitrators. They are distinguished in their respective areas of practice and have differing legal practice backgrounds, through diversity of their legal experience in the world of reinsurance, insurance, business disputes, shareholder disputes, partnership disputes, commercial disputes, commercial leasing, construction, employment law, condo law, IT and IP, sale of goods, franchise, international trade & distribution, and marine matters, through language skills, and from foreign legal experience and accreditations. This makes a Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitrator uniquely qualified for your consideration. Accepting Appointments & Arbitration During the Pandemic  Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitration Chambers is open, and the chambers arbitrators are accepting appointment and progressing arbitration proceedings, despite the pandemic. Through our experience in the case management of arbitration, we … Read More

Arbitration Without an Arbitration Clause | When Can I Arbitrate?

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorArbitration, Arbitrators, Business Dispute Arbitrator, Commercial, Commercial Arbitrator, Commercial Lease Arbitrator, Condo Arbitrator, Construction Arbitrator, Employment Dispute Arbitrator, Franchise Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitrator, International Joint Venture Arbitrator, Internet Arbitrator, Investment Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Licensing Arbitrator, Marine Arbitrator, Maritime Arbitrator, Moving Litigation to Arbitration, Partnership Arbitrator, Real Estate Arbitrator, Reinsurance Arbitrator, Roster Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Shareholder Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator, Transportation Arbitrator0 Comments

When Is Arbitration Available? An agreement to refer or submit disputes to arbitration may be made before a dispute arises or after a dispute has arisen. Arbitration Clause and Standalone Agreement to Submit Disputes to Arbitration An agreement to arbitrate typically appears as an arbitration clause in a contract in relation to which a dispute has arisen. However, resolving disputes by arbitration may be possible even if the parties have not included an arbitration clause in the contract – if they agree to submit disputes to arbitration by a standalone arbitration agreement. This way the parties to a dispute can agree to submit a dispute to arbitration even if they did not include an arbitration clause in the contract, if any, in dispute.  This option provides the parties with the advantages of arbitration as a presumptively private and confidential, efficient, faster and therefore less expensive way to resolve disputes. Statutory … Read More

Employment Arbitrator | Reasonable Fees and Good Availability

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorArbitrators, Commercial, Employment, Employment & Wrongful Dismissal, Employment Dispute Arbitrator, Roster Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator0 Comments

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M, Q.Arb – Employment Arbitrator Competitive Fee Rates Offered.  Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST Arbitrator Experience David Alderson is an experienced, independent and qualified arbitrator. He has been appointed as arbitrator by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to adjudicate disputes. David accepts appointment as an employment dispute arbitrator. David is a full member of the ADR Institute of Ontario and is in its arbitrating member’s Directory of Ontario Dispute Resolution Professionals, as well being a member of the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society, where he appears on its Roster of Member Arbitrators. His roster membership can be viewed here. He hold an LL.B (Osgoode), LL.M (Lond.) and Q.Arb (ADR Institute of Canada). David is on the newly formed Member’s Roster for Remote Arbitration and Mediation Services, for the provision of remote Arbitration in a wide variety of disputes. David has completed the Foundations in Judicial Competencies Series, and has … Read More

Commercial Arbitrator at Reasonable Hourly Rates – David Alderson

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorArbitrators, Business Arbitrator, Business Dispute Arbitrator, Commercial, Commercial Arbitrator, Commercial Lease Arbitrator, Energy Arbitrator, Franchise Arbitrator, Infrastructure Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitrator, International Joint Venture Arbitrator, Internet Arbitrator, Investment Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Joint Venture Arbitrator, Licensing Arbitrator, Partnership Dispute Arbitrator, Real Estate Arbitrator, Reinsurance Arbitrator, Roster Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Shareholder Arbitrator, Shareholder Dispute Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator0 Comments

David Alderson. LL.B, LL.M. Q.Arb – Background Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST David has been accredited by the ADR Institute as Canada as a Qualified Arbitrator (Q.Arb). He accepts appointments as a commercial arbitrator, international commercial arbitrator and as a business dispute arbitrator, at reasonable hourly rates and with good availability. The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has appointed David in commercial arbitration matters. David is a member of the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society, has successfully completed their Gold Standard Course in Commercial Arbitration, and is on the TCAS Roster of Arbitrating Members.  He is also a Full Member of the ADR Institute of Ontario and appears in its Member Directory. David is on the Ontario Bar Association roster of Remote Arbitrator and Mediator Services. David has lived and practiced commercial arbitration in Ontario, England, Bermuda and Dubai, in a wide variety of disputes in a diverse range of businesses … Read More

Arbitrator, with Reasonable Fees and Good Availability

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorAgency Arbitrator, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Arbitrators, Brokerage Arbitrator, Business Arbitrator, Business Dispute Arbitrator, Commercial, Commercial Arbitrator, Commercial Lease Arbitrator, Condo Arbitrator, Expedited Arbitration, Franchise Arbitrator, Internet | Technology, Internet Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Licensing Arbitrator, Marine Arbitrator, Partnership Arbitrator, Real Estate Arbitrator, Reinsurance Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Shareholder Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator, Transportation Arbitrator0 Comments

David Alderson is an accredited, qualified, independent and experienced commercial arbitrator, who arbitrates a wide variety of disputes. He has been appointed by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in commercial arbitration matters. David offers arbitration services at a reasonable fee, and has good availability for hearings and other arbitration procedures. Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST Arbitrating Member David is a arbitrating member of a number of institutions, including The ADR Institute of Ontario, The Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society, the Ontario Bar Association Remote Arbitrator Member Roster, and Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitration and Mediation Chambers. He is also Senior Counsel – Commercial Litigation, at Gilbertson Davis LLP, and has practiced in a number of jurisdictions in most areas of commercial and civil litigation. Arbitration of Disputes David’s primary focus on arbitration is for commercial disputes, including business disputes, shareholder and partnership disputes, director and officer disputes, real estate, condo and commercial leasing disputes, projects and joint venture disputes, construction, sale of … Read More

Expedited Arbitration Arbitrators

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorArbitrators, Brokerage Arbitrator, Business Arbitrator, Business Dispute Arbitrator, Commercial, International Joint Venture Arbitrator, Internet Arbitrator, Investment Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Joint Venture Arbitrator, Licensing Arbitrator, Marine Arbitrator, Partnership Dispute Arbitrator, Real Estate Arbitrator, Reinsurance Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Shareholder Dispute Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator0 Comments

Expedited Arbitration Sole Arbitrator – from $495.00 per hour, plus HST Sometimes an arbitration clause provides for expedited arbitration proceedings, with time limits by stated duration for claims submissions (pleadings), discovery of documents (by request) and an early arbitration hearing date and award publication. Agreed Expedited Arbitration  On other occasions the arbitration clause does not provide expressly for an expedited arbitration procedure, but neither does it prohibit that.  If the parties agree, then an expedited arbitration procedure or simplified arbitration procedure for the arbitration can be directed by the arbitrator. An expedited arbitration procedure will usually be agreed at the preliminary, or first, meeting and result in a procedural order covering the entire duration of the expedited arbitration from exchange of  written submissions (pleadings) up to the date of the hearing and publication of the award. Some Reasons for an Expedited Arbitration There are lots of reasons the parties may … Read More

Arbitration & Court Closure Due to COVID-19 / Coronavirus

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorAgency Arbitrator, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Arbitration, Arbitrators, Brokerage Arbitrator, Business Arbitrator, Business Dispute Arbitrator, Commercial, Commercial Arbitration, Commercial Arbitrator, Commercial Lease Arbitrator, Condo Arbitrator, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Employment Dispute Arbitrator, Energy Arbitrator, Franchise Arbitrator, Infrastructure Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitrator, International Joint Venture Arbitrator, Internet Arbitrator, Investment Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Joint Venture Arbitrator, Labour Arbitrator, Licensing Arbitrator, Marine Arbitrator, Maritime Arbitrator, Partnership Arbitrator, Partnership Dispute Arbitrator, Real Estate Arbitrator, Reinsurance Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Shareholder Arbitrator, Shareholder Dispute Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator, Transportation Arbitrator0 Comments

Litigants and lawyers requiring timely resolution of disputes and who have no or limited access to the courts for trials or other hearings because of COVID-19 / Coronavirus related court closures, or for whom a public court-centered proceeding is inappropriate, may wish to consider arbitration as an alternative to litigation. In-person, video or teleconferencing determinations of arbitrated disputes at reasonable rates can resolve procedural and substantive issues more quickly than our courts in the current COVID-19  / Coronavirus related crisis, and very often in ordinary circumstances where congested dockets unfortunately preclude expedited case determinations. With the consent of the parties to litigation, and at virtually any stage of the litigation, an ad hoc arbitration can be arranged. Arbitration may be the forum best suited to the resolution of your dispute across a broad range of practice areas. Please see the Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitration & Mediation Chambers webpage, and  other … Read More

Contract Arbitrator – Event Cancellation Dispute Arbitrator, Force Majeure Clause Dispute – Reasonable Fees and Good Availability – Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitration and Mediation Chambers

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorAgency Arbitrator, Arbitration, Arbitrators, Brokerage Arbitrator, Business Arbitrator, Business Dispute Arbitrator, Civil Litigation, Commercial, Commercial Arbitration, Commercial Arbitrator, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Lease Arbitrator, Condo Arbitrator, Contract Disputes, Contract Termination, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Employment Dispute Arbitrator, Energy Arbitrator, Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Franchise Arbitrator, Infrastructure Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitrator, International Joint Venture Arbitrator, Internet Arbitrator, Investment Arbitrator, IT Arbitrator, Joint Venture Arbitrator, Licensing Arbitrator, Marine Arbitrator, Maritime Arbitrator, Partnership Arbitrator, Partnership Dispute Arbitrator, Real Estate Arbitrator, Reinsurance Arbitrator, Sale of Goods Arbitrator, Shareholder Arbitrator, Shareholder Dispute Arbitrator, Technology Arbitrator, Transportation Arbitrator0 Comments

Contract Dispute Arbitrator  Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST An arbitrator, or an arbitration tribunal, obtains jurisdiction to adjudicate and decide a dispute from an agreement / contract which has been made by the parties to the arbitration. This jurisdiction is not typically provided by legislation, though there are exceptions, such as the arbitration provision deemed by statute to be included in a condominium declaration. Even if there is no arbitration clause in the contract or agreement made by the parties and a dispute arises, then parties to that contract may still agree to have their dispute determined by arbitration. The parties to a contract may prefer to have a dispute determined by arbitration, since it is presumptively a confidential process, it may be faster and less expensive than going to court, or they may wish to participate in the selection of the adjudicator. Common Contractual Issues Arbitrated … Read More