In Shanghai Investment Co. Ltd. V. Lu et al. 2024 ONSC 2762, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List), allowed a foreign arbitral award to be recognised and made enforceable as a partial summary judgment. The Plaintiff, Shanghai Lianyin Investment Co Ltd. (“SLIC”) sought the recognition and enforcement of a CAD $233 million arbitral award rendered under the rules of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee (“CIETAC”) against the Defendant Zheng Yao Lu (“Lu”) as a threshold matter; and a declaration that the other defendant, Lichun Guo (“Guo”) held her interest in two properties in Ontario on behalf of Lu, and that SLIC could enforce its award against these properties. The court found that the CIETAC award should be recognised and made enforceable as both of the following requirements under Articles IV and V of the New York Convention (incorporated in the International Commercial Arbitration Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. … Read More
Ontario Court Favours Place of Arbitration over Forum Selection Clause in Asset Purchase Agreement
In Tehama Group Inc v. Pythian Services Inc., 2024 ONSC 1819, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice held that the place of an arbitration, not a forum selection clause in a contract, determines the jurisdiction that recourse against an arbitral award must be taken in. The litigants were parties to a cross-border asset purchase agreement (the “APA”). The APA included an arbitration clause for disputes regarding the calculation of the purchase price, and the parties appointed “the Toronto office” of an accounting firm as arbitrator for these disputes. The APA also included broad forum selection and governing law clauses, which required “any suit, action or other proceeding arising out of this Agreement” to be brought exclusively in the courts of New York and in accordance with its laws. A dispute arose regarding an earnout clause in the APA, and the parties proceeded to arbitration. When the Toronto-based arbitrator rendered an … Read More
Letters of credit and the fraud exception: Supreme Court examines applicability to fraud by a third party
A letter of credit or a bank guarantee is an autonomous instrument that is issued by a financial institution on the directions of a customer. The letter of credit seeks to underwrite the customer’s obligations to the beneficiary under the distinct underlying contract. It entitles the beneficiary to payment on demand from the issuing bank, so long as that demand strictly complies with the requirements set out in the letter of credit. The obligation of the financial institution to pay when presented with a valid demand is near absolute. The only recognized exception in Canadian law is when there is fraud by the beneficiary that is brought to the financial institution’s attention prior to payment. In Eurobank Ergasias S.A. v. Bombardier Inc. 2024 SCC 11 (CanLII), the Supreme Court of Canada examined a critical issue of when an issuing bank is required to refuse to honour a demand for payment … Read More
A Promise Made is a Promise Kept: Ontario Superior Court Grants Permanent Injunction to Enforce Provisions of Long-term Supply and Lease Agreement
In Parkland Corporation v. Caledon Fuels Inc., 2024 ONSC 2361, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice granted an injunction which prevented a party to a long-term lease and supply agreement from breaching certain negative covenants contained in that contract. The Applicant and Respondent were both parties to an agreement under which the Applicant was made the exclusive supplier of petroleum products to a gas station which it subleased to the Respondent. In January of 2024, the Respondent notified the Applicant that it intended to enter into arrangements with another supplier, in contravention of the agreement. The Applicant brought an urgent application seeking a permanent injunction, to prevent the Respondent from doing so. In its decision, the Court’s analysis on the injunctive relief sought by the Applicant followed the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in 711811 Ontario Ltd. (AdLine) v. Buckley Insurance Brokers Ltd., 2014 ONCA 125, where that Court cited … Read More
7 Things to Know About Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Ontario
In the recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (“ONSC”), Roger Vanden Berghe NV v. Merinos Carpet Inc., 2023 ONSC 6728, the ONSC provided a helpful guide on some of the key principles applicable to cases involving the recognition and enforcement in Ontario of judgments from other countries. In this case the ONSC granted an application for the recognition and enforcement of a judgment from a court in Belgium; the Ghent Business Court, Kortrijk Division, First Chamber (the “Judgment”). The underlying dispute that was adjudicated in Belgium was with respect to unpaid invoices for textile orders. The respondent did not respond to the proceeding in Belgium, although summoned by a Writ of Summons. The respondent claimed that it was not properly served with the Writ of Summons, and even if it was, one of its representatives would not have been able to attend given the Covid-19 travel restrictions … Read More
Website Lawyers | Domain Name Disputes | Counterfeit Websites | Fake Bad Reviews and Remedies
In this blog we discuss a number of internet-based “dirty tricks” that competitors or others may deploy and which may have serious adverse consequences for you or your business. I also briefly mention the types of remedies which may be available to those victimized in this way. Confusingly Similar Domain Names In today’s modern web-based commercial world, it is more important than ever to ensure that potential customers and returning customers are properly connected with your website domain name, and to use domain names that are well-branded and associated with your business. It is not uncommon for competitors, cyber-squatters, or other persons to obtain control of domain names that are confusingly similar to your trademarks, business names, or your domain name. Then there is a real risk that users seeking your website are instead directed elsewhere by that confusingly similar domain name. Recovering a Domain Name In order to recover … Read More
Family Business Litigation | Start Up Company Litigation
We have experience acting for, advising and representing those in closely-held company litigation, both arising from family business disputes and start-up company disputes. Family Business Disputes Many businesses in Canada are family businesses or have evolved from family businesses. Family businesses present many unique challenges as they grow, as key members of the company or partnership leave the family business, or when personal relationships of the key members of the family business thereby change or deteriorate. One of the most common differences between a family business and other established businesses, whether or not a shareholders’ agreement, partnership agreement and other legal documentation was used in the formation of the family business, is the informality in operation of the family business, including the often ignored distinction in fact between employees, shareholders, or partners – since family members often take on multiple roles. Please see our webpage on Family and Closely Held … Read More
Divorce and the Family Business
Family Business Challenges from Divorce or Separation Many businesses in Canada are family businesses or have evolved from family businesses. Family businesses present unique challenges as they grow should the personal relationships of the key members of the family business change or deteriorate. Divorce and separation can have serious impact upon family-owned and family-run businesses, whether incorporated companies or partnerships. Changes in a family business and the challenges presented by change can often result in legal disputes between interested parties. Family business disputes are often be protracted, expensive, and disruptive, and may even result in the sale, division or winding up of the family business. Impact of Separation and Divorce on Family Businesses Complex questions arise in the division of property and assets when dealing with a family business during a separation or divorce. The value of the family business may be included in the equalization of net family property … Read More
Service Abroad in Civil and Commercial Litigation
The Hague Service Convention Since 1989 Canada has been a member of Hague Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters, (the Hague Service Convention). Incoming Service of Foreign Process We have blogged before about the requirement of the Hague Service Convention that its member States designate a “Central Authority” to accept incoming requests for service. There are alternatives to the Hague Service Convention service of foreign process in Ontario. Service of Ontario Process Abroad As other jurisdictions become, or will become, members of the Hague Service Convention, the Status Table is updated. For instance, see the status of Azerbaijan (November 1, 2023), Singapore (December 1, 2023) and Paraguay (January 1, 2024) on the Status Table. Why Chose Gilbertson Davis LLP? One of the senior commercial litigation lawyers at Gilbertson Davis LLP, though now only practicing in Ontario, has also practiced … Read More
Ontario Superior Court of Justice Finds Expired Arbitration Award Relevant in Motion for Injunctive Relief
In Rogers v. TELUS Communications Inc., 2023 ONSC 5398, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice held that the terms of an expired arbitration decision are relevant when a party seeks injunctive relief that contradicts its terms. The moving and responding parties are both prominent competitors in the Canadian telecommunications market. Under a requirement imposed by the Government of Canada, their customers have the reciprocal ability to “roam” on the other carrier’s network in areas where their own carrier does not provide coverage. This obligation allows Canadian customers to access wireless services across the country. For a time, the parties did not agree on what was displayed to customers when they were roaming on a competitor’s network. The primary dispute was whether the network identifier (“NID”) displayed in the top-left corner of most mobile devices would connote an extension of their own carrier’s network (i.e. “[Carrier]-EXT”), or if it would notify customers … Read More
Internal Business Disputes in Trades, Subtrades, Contractors and Subcontractors
Internal Business Disputes in Trades, Subtrades, Contractors and Subcontractors Our Business Dispute Practice Group can represent shareholders in dispute with other shareholders and/or directors in Closely Held Businesses, Family Businesses, and Startup Businesses. Often a dispute arises because a shareholder cannot obtain access to financial information, financial statements, financial documents and records of the corporation, voting rights, rights with respect to meetings or fraud. In some circumstances, an application can be made by a shareholder for access to financial information, financial statements and records of the corporation. Shareholders remedies include oppression remedy actions and derivative actions, and the appointment of an auditor or an an inspector. One of our senior business litigation lawyers was a faculty member of the Osgoode PD professional development program concerning Shareholder Litigation and the Closely-Held Company. Oppression Remedy The oppression remedy is a mechanism in the Ontario Business Corporations Act and the Canada Business Corporations Act to protect the interests … Read More
Launching New Claim in Face of Limitation Deadline, Where Prior Claim Commenced, Not an Abuse of Process
In the recent Court of Appeal decision of Cipponeri Construction Services Inc. v. Orsi, 2023 ONCA 296, the Court of Appeal grappled with whether it was an abuse of process to commence a new action, in the face of a fast approaching limitation deadline, when there was an existing action already commenced, or whether the proper approach was to seek leave to amend the Statement of Claim in the existing action to add the new claim. The Facts and Background In 2018 an action was commenced by the Respondent on the appeal, Michael Orsi along with his corporation Bearus Holdings ULC against Vito Cipponeri, his corporation 2599109 Ontario Inc (259) and Westin Homes Ltd. (Westin). Mr. Cipponeri and 259 counterclaimed in the 2018 action against Mr. Orsi, Bearus and Westin for, amongst other claims, a payment of money allegedly owing by Westin to the appellant, Cipponeri Construction Services Inc. (CCSI) … Read More
Impact of Divorce or Separation on a Family Business
Family Business Challenges from Divorce or Separation Many businesses in Canada are family businesses or have evolved from family businesses. Family businesses present many unique challenges as they grow should the personal relationships of the key members of the family business change or deteriorate. Divorce and separation can have serious impact upon family-owned and family-run businesses, whether incorporated companies or partnerships. Changes in a family business and the challenges presented by change can often result in legal disputes between interested parties. Family business disputes are often be protracted, expensive, and disruptive, and may even result in the sale, division or winding up of the family business. Impact of Separation and Divorce on Family Businesses Complex questions arise in the division of property and assets when dealing with a family business during a separation or divorce. The value of the family business is included in the equalization of net family property … Read More
Court of Appeal Affirms Limitation Period for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
In the recent Court of Appeal decision of Sunlight General Capital LLC v. Effisolar Energy Corporation, 2023 ONCA 133, the Court of Appeal reaffirmed the principles established in Independence Plaza 1 Associates L.L.C. v. Figliolini, 2017 ONCA 44, 136 O.R. (3d) 202, (“Independent Plaza 1”) at para. 3, that the limitation period for the recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment begins to run from the date on which the right of appeal in respect of that judgment expires, and not from the date of issuance of the judgment. Facts: The Respondent, Sunlight General Capital LLC (the “Respondent”), had obtained a judgment against the Appellant, Effisolar Energy Corporation (the “Appellant”), in the Supreme Court of New York for approximately 1.6 million U.S. The judgment was issued on October 18, 2018, and on May 19, 2019, an appeal with the Supreme Court of New York was administratively dismissed. The Respondent moved … Read More
Nick Poon Comments on Tim Hortons’ Roll Up to Win Contest for CTV News
Nick Poon was recently asked to comment on the legal rights of customers in Tim Hortons’ Roll Up to Win Contest for CTV News. Read the CTV News article here: Tim Hortons mistakenly told an Ontario man he’d won $10K. Now, he wants to sue. If you require legal advice or legal representation in respect to civil litigation and commercial litigation matters including contract disputes and misrepresentation claims, please contact us for an initial consultation. Our lawyers have expertise and experience in such matters and can assist you in resolving your legal issues including finding practical and cost-effective solutions.
Directors Can Be Liable To Corporations Creditors For Stripping Assets
In the recent Court of Appeal decision of FNF Enterprises Inc. v. Wag and Train Inc., 2023 ONCA 92 the Court of Appeal considered whether a landlord in a commercial lease arrangement could pursue a claim against the sole director and officer of the tenant corporation, for stripping the assets of the corporation to evade their debt obligations under the lease. The Facts The Appellants, FNF Enterprises Inc., and 2378007 Ontario Inc. (the “Landlord”) owned a commercial premises in Kitchener, Ontario which they leased to one of the Respondents on the appeal, a corporate entity named Wag and Tag Inc., (the “Tenant”). Wag and Tag Inc. was in the business of providing dog grooming, training and daycare services. The lease ran from 2015 to March 31, 2021. The premises was abandoned by the Tenant prior to the end of the lease term. The Claim In September 2020, the Landlord commenced … Read More
Entire Agreement Clause Not A Shield To Fraudulent Misrepresentation
In the recent Court of Appeal ruling of 10443204 Canada Inc. v. 2701835 Ontario Inc., 2022 ONCA 745, the Court of Appeal clarified that entire agreement clauses in contracts do not shield any representor or deprive any party to a contract from remedies available for a fraudulent misrepresentation. Background In May of 2019 the appellant Chirag Patel and his corporation 2701835 Ontario Inc. (the appellants) entered into a purchase agreement (the “APS”) with the respondent 10443204 Canada Inc. (the respondent), related to the purchase of a coin laundry business located in Brampton. The APS contained an entire agreement clause of which the relevant part indicated: “There is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition, affecting this Agreement other than as expressed herein.” In accordance with amended terms to the APS concerning the purchase price the appellants made a partial payment of $100,000 on closing and the balance of the purchase … Read More