The proliferation in recent years of residential homes being used as a cannabis grow-op has created confusion and uncertainty for buyers, sellers and real estate agents as to how far the obligations of a seller extend regarding information about a home’s history. In the recent Court of Appeal Decision of Beatty v. Wei, 2018 ONCA 479, the Court offered clarity in response to the question: What is the effect of an illegal substances clause in a standard form Ontario Real Estate Association/Toronto Real Estate Board Agreement of Purchase and Sale (“APS”)? The “Illegal Substance Clause” is a commonly included clause in such agreements and typically reads as follows: The Seller represents and warrants that during the time the Seller has owned the property, the use of the property and the buildings and structures thereon has not been for the growth or manufacture of any illegal substances, and that to the … Read More
Grounds for Judicial Intervention on International Arbitral Awards – Key Takeaways
In Consolidated Contractors Group S.A.L. (Offshore) v. Ambatovy Minerals S.A., a decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, a USD$258 million project for the construction of a slurry pipeline from a nickel mine in the mountains of Madagascar to the coast lead to arbitration between the appellant (the contractor) and the respondent (tendered the project). After mutually agreeing to by-pass the adjudication stage of their three-stage dispute resolution process and go straight to a Tribunal, the appellant was only awarded $7M of its $91M claim and the respondent was awarded nearly $25M on its counterclaim. These awards were challenged on appeal as being made without jurisdiction, in breach of procedural fairness, and violating public policy. However, the appeal was dismissed. Judicial intervention in international arbitral awards under the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law (the “Model Law”) – though given the force of law by the International Commercial Arbitration Act … Read More
McDonald’s Not Served Valid Revocation of Waiver – Commercial Leasing in the Court of Appeal
The Court of Appeal for Ontario in North Elgin Centre Inc. v. McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited, 2018 ONCA 71 allowed an appeal by McDonald’s from a decision on applications by both parties to determine whether the subject lease came to an end on a described date because McDonald’s had not complied with the renewal provision in the lease. The Court of Appeal allowed the appeal of the decision of the application judge, that despite that the parties were in negotiations, and that the respondent had waived its right to insist on strict compliance with the terms of the renewal provision (to refer the determination of the renewal rental rate to arbitration), that the respondent had effectively revoked its waiver and reverted to its strict legal rights, namely to terminate the lease in the absence of the referral of the dispute on renewal rental rate to arbitration within the permitted time. On the … Read More
Five Things To Know Before Renting Your Condo Out As A Short-Term Rental
Since the rise in popularity and use of Airbnb and other similar sites, the opportunity to make some extra cash by listing property on these websites seems to be gaining appeal. In urban centres short-term rentals have become a sizeable industry. This has meant that municipalities, and condominium communities alike have all had to grapple with how to respond to this growing sector of the new home-sharing platform. In this blog we address some important things you should take into account as you consider listing your home for short-term rental. 1) Are There Any Municipal Rules Restricting Short Term Rentals In Your Area? On December 7, 2017 Toronto’s City Council approved the regulation of short-term rentals in the City. Other jurisdictions might take a different approach, including prohibiting or zoning short-term rentals, or excluding certain types of properties from eligibility. In Toronto short-term rentals are permitted in all housing types … Read More
Condo Dwellers Get A Lift From New Elevator Regulations
With more Ontario residents making the move to vertical condominium communities the Ontario government has turned their attention to that pesky problem of elevators down for service. There are approximately 20,000 elevators already operational in buildings throughout the province, and about 1550 of them are more than 50 years old with another 10,000 over 25 years old. The legislation is not only a positive step towards recognizing the essential service that elevators provide to condominium residents and particularly, elderly residents, those with disabilities and those living on the highest floors of increasingly taller condominium buildings, but the first jurisdiction to pass such regulation in the world. So what is this new legislation going to mean? Enhanced enforcement of maintenance requirements including , preventative maintenance requirements and a maximum time allotment for elevator service outages. With enforcement through fines levied against elevator maintenance companies, and owners. Improved information sharing with Fire and … Read More
Is a Burrito a Wrap? Ontario Court Decides Injunction Involving Exclusivity Clause in Commercial Lease
In 2432714 Ontario Inc. v. Heffner Development Group Limited, 2018 ONSC 1034, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice was recently asked to decide the age old question of whether a burrito was a wrap in the context of an exclusivity clause in a commercial lease agreement. In this case, the tenant operated a Pita Pit franchise in a 13 unit plaza owned by the landlord. The tenant had negotiated an exclusivity clause in the lease agreement that gave it the exclusive right to sell “pitas and wraps” in the plaza. When the tenant discovered that a Mexican fast food chain, Holy Guacamole, was renovating one of the units, it brought a motion for an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the landlord from leasing a unit in the plaza to Holy Guacamole. The tenant argued that Holy Guacamole sold “wraps” because its menu of tacos, burritos and quesadillas were all prepared by wrapping up food items in a tortilla. … Read More
Court of Appeal States that Placing Oneself in Position to Close Transaction not Waiver of Deficiency
In 1418885 Ontario Ltd. v. 2193139 Ontario Limited, 2018 ONCA 54, the appellant entered into an agreement of purchase and sale to buy a property from the respondent. The property included residential apartments. The appellant sought confirmation from the respondent that the residential apartments were permitted use under the existing zoning by-law. The respondent maintained that the residential apartments were “a legal non-conforming use”. However, the planning authority indicated that there was a possible problem with the residential apartments. The appellant’s lawyer advised the respondent’s lawyer that the purchase deposits had to be returned if the issue was not resolved. In spite of the residential apartments issue, the appellant and respondent moved towards the closing date by exchanging draft documentation and related material. However, on closing date, the appellant’s lawyer advised the respondent’s lawyer that the appellant would not be closing because of the residential apartments issue. The deal did … Read More
Court of Appeal Confirms Importance of Requisitions in Real Estate Transactions
The Court of Appeal of Ontario decision in 1418885 Ontario Ltd. v. 2193139 Ontario Limited, 2018 ONCA 54, recently overturned a summary judgment motion decision which confirmed the importance of requisition letters in real estate transactions. In this case, the parties had entered into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for a property with a restaurant, golf course, 12 residential apartments, a two-storey home and a banquet hall. The Agreement of Purchase and Sale included the following requisition clause: 8. TITLE SEARCH: Buyer shall be allowed until 6:00 p.m. on the 30th day of May, 2016 (Requisition Date) to examine the title to the property at his own expense and until the earlier of: (i) thirty days from the later of the Requisition Date or the date on which the conditions in this Agreement are fulfilled or otherwise waived or, (ii) five days prior to completion, to satisfy himself that there are … Read More
Ontario Court Decides on Appropriate Use of Mini-Trial in Summary Judgment Motions
In Crisafi v. Urban Landmark Realty Inc., 2018 ONSC 191, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice addressed a summary judgment motion brought in a real estate litigation matter and provided guidance on when the Court will use its enhanced fact-finding powers set out in the 2010 amendments. Background This case involved a claim by a real estate agent against his former real estate brokerage for unpaid real estate commissions in the amount of $60,000. The brokerage took the position that the agent breached his contractual, statutory and fiduciary duties to its clients and was negligent in handling four transactions which caused it to suffer damages. The brokerage argued that the agent failed to properly advise one of its clients while in a multiple representation situation including the anticipated sale price of the house and an estimate of whether the client could afford to purchase a subsequent property. The house ended up sitting on the market even after several reductions in the listing price. As is commonplace in the industry, this resulted in … Read More
Court of Appeal Confirms Strict Notice Requirements in the Termination of Commercial Leases
The Ontario Court of Appeal in Jay-Pee Drycleaners Inc. v. 2321324 Ontario Inc., 2017 ONCA 798, recently overturned a summary judgment motion decision involving the termination of a commercial lease agreement. In this case, the tenant had operated a dry cleaning business for 12 years before the lease was converted into a month-to-month tenancy. After the new landlord purchased the property and was assigned the lease, it demanded the tenant provide evidence that it had successfully completed a course related to the management of dry cleaning contaminants and waste. Even though the tenant advised that the Ministry of Environment had deemed the course to be unnecessary and the course was not available until the following year, the new landlord terminated the lease and retained a bailiff to re-enter and re-possess the premises. The tenant brought an action for damages arising from the unlawful termination of the lease. The new landlord responded with a counterclaim and brought a summary judgment motion. The … Read More
Nick Poon Comments on Condominium Liability Issues for the Toronto Sun
Nick Poon was recently asked to comment on the duty and standard of care of condominium corporations, boards of directors and property managers in respect to security and safety in condominiums. Read the Toronto Sun article here: “Creepy Yorkville condo stalker terrifies women“. If you require legal advice and representation in respect to condominium disputes, please contact us for an initial consultation.
7 Things You Should Know Before Requesting Records From Your Condo
With the new amendments to the Condominium Act, there will be new rules and guidelines on how condominium corporations and unit owners will deal with records requests. There has been recognition on the regulatory level that unit owners requests for records has been a pesky problem causing grief for condominium corporations and unit owners alike, neither of whom are particularly clear on what their rights and obligations are when a unit owner is seeking records. This is in part due to the fact that the Condominium Act originally enacted in 1998, was relatively untouched until the government recognized the need for clarity and began working on legislative reform in 2012. In 2015 two major pieces of legislation were enacted, the Protecting Condominium Owners Act (an amendment to the original Condominium Act), and the Condominium Management Services Act, which have served to dramatically update and clarify a lot of the rules and regulations surrounding … Read More
Bhasin v. Hrynew and the Duty of Good Faith in Real Estate Agreements of Purchase and Sale
The Supreme Court of Canada in Bhasin v. Hrynew, 2014 SCC 71, recognized the duty of good faith in contract and the obligations of the parties to act honestly in the performance of their contractual obligations. The duty of good faith applies to any contract, including real estate contracts such as Buyer Representation Agreements, Listing Agreements and Agreements of Purchase and Sale. As discussed in a previous blog post, Agreements of Purchase and Sale generally include a “time is of the essence” clause which means that time limits will be strictly enforced by the courts. Problems often arise when vendors refuse to agree to seemingly minor indulgences requested by purchasers such as an extension of the closing date or an extension of the deadline to provide the deposit. Two recent decisions in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice have addressed the duty of good faith, as expressed in Bhasin v. Hrynew, in the performance of Agreements of Purchase and Sale. Unfortunately for purchasers, it appears that … Read More
New Measures of Ontario’s Fair Housing Plan Take Effect Today
On April 20, 2017, Ontario’s Fair Housing Plan was announced by the current Ontario government in an attempt to cool the housing market and make housing more affordable, particularly in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). It has been widely reported that the average purchase price for all types of homes in the GTA has dropped significantly since the announcement. Most of the attention on the housing affordability plan has been focused on the 15 percent Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST) imposed on the purchase or acquisition of an interest in residential real estate by a foreign individual, foreign corporation or a taxable trustee. The NRST only applies to residential real estate, containing one to six single family residences, located in the region around Toronto known as the Greater Golden Horseshoe which includes Barrie, Brant, Dufferin, Durham, Guelph, Haldimand, Halton, Hamilton, Kawartha Lakes, Niagara, Northumberland, Peel, Peterborough, Simcoe, Toronto, Waterloo, Wellington and York. There are certain exemptions and rebates to the NRST available including circumstances where: (a) the foreign individual jointly purchases the property with a … Read More
Court of Appeal Majority Rejects Oppression Claim Against Condominium Corporation’s Leasing of Parking Spaces
In Cheung v. York Region Condominium, the appellant owned several units which were leased to tenants who operated a 230-seat restaurant out of those units. After complaints by other unit owners that restaurant customers were taking up most or all of the 162 shared common element parking spaces, the condominium corporation enacted a by-law to allow the corporation to lease four parking spots per unit owner “from time to time”, reducing the potential number of spaces available to restaurant guests by 80%. The applicant sought a declaration that the by-law was invalid since the leases could be perpetual and thereby essentially create exclusive use common elements, which can only be created by specific declaration, not through by-law. The applicant further argued that the by-law was oppressive and unfairly prejudicial to the applicant’s interests. The majority held that, since the by-law only approved the ability to enter into leases, which could be on whatever … Read More
Timing is Everything in Real Estate Agreements of Purchase and Sale
The recent Court of Appeal decision in Preiano v. Cirillo, 2017 ONCA 615, involved a residential real estate Agreement of Purchase and Sale which required the purchasers to deliver a deposit of $25,000 in the form of a negotiable cheque to the vendors’ brokerage within 24 hours of acceptance of the agreement. The closing date was scheduled to take place about three months later. The agreement included a “time shall be of the essence” clause. The purchasers had initially submitted a personal cheque in the amount of $25,000 with the offer but the vendors’ brokerage requested the deposit be paid in certified funds. The purchasers subsequently delivered the deposit in the form of a bank draft to the vendors’ brokerage but it was about one day late. The vendors’ brokerage did not take issue with the late delivery and provided a receipt for the deposit. Six days before the scheduled closing date, the vendors took the position that they would not be closing … Read More
Restriction on Use of Summary Judgment Where Key Issues Turn on Credibility
Since the Supreme Court of Canada’s landmark decision in Hryniak v Mauldin, 2014 SCC 7, summary judgment has been lauded as an effective tool to enhance access to justice and achieve cost-effective results for litigants. Indeed, in recent years, summary judgment motions have become more common, making trials in civil litigation a rare occurrence. But has the pendulum begun to swing now in the opposite direction? The Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Lesenko v Guerette, 2017 ONCA 522, challenges the limits of summary judgment, and outlines that it may not be appropriate in cases where key issues turn on the credibility of the parties. In Lesenko, a husband, his wife, and his sister decided to sell their respective homes and buy a house together. The sister sold her home, and some of those sale proceeds went to pay for the entire purchase price of the subject property. The sister … Read More