The recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Edgewater Park Lodge Inc. v. Cadman et al., 2025 ONSC 1295 sheds light on key issues related to business name registration, passing off, and injunctive relief. In Edgewater Park Lodge, the applicant successfully sought a permanent injunction against the respondents for their use of the business name “Red Canoe Family Restaurant,” which the court found to be deceptively similar to the applicant’s existing “Red Canoe Restaurant.” The appellant, operating since 2018, had an established reputation and goodwill in its restaurant business, particularly under the name “Red Canoe Restaurant.” The respondents registered and operated “Red Canoe Family Restaurant” in 2023 within the same regional district. The appellant sought relief under the Business Name Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. B.17 (“BNA”), arguing that the respondents’ business name was misleading and likely to cause confusion among consumers. The applicant also sought compensation under … Read More
Are my Trademark Rights being Breached? Trademark Infringement and Passing Off Lawyers
In Subway IP LLC v. Budway, Cannabis & Wellness Store, 2021 FC 583, the Federal Court of Canada (“FC”) found that the respondents infringed on the applicant’s registered trademark contrary to section 20 of the Trademarks Act. The FC found that the use of the “BUDWAY” trademark amounted to the tort of passing off and depreciation of goodwill in the appellant’s trademark. As a result, the court granted the applicant, Subway, damages in the amount of $15,000 and an injunction against the respondents prohibiting them, among other things, from dealing in goods or services in association with the trademark or trade name “BUDWAY”. What is Considered a Breach of Trademark Rights? In the FC’s reasons for its decision, it advised generally that: A trademark registration grants the owner the exclusive right to use the mark throughout Canada in respect of the goods and services in the registration; The right to … Read More