Toronto Cannabis Retail Franchise Arbitrator with Reasonable Fee Rate

David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M (Commercial and Corporate), Lawyer, Qualified Arbitrator and MediatorCannabis Franchise Arbitrator, Cannabis Retail Franchise Dispute Arbitrator, Commercial0 Comments

David is a Qualified Arbitrator (Q.Arb) who has been appointed sole arbitrator in commercial disputes by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. He is a full member of the ADR Institute of Ontario and the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society and appears on each of their rosters of arbitrators. He accepts appointment as arbitrator in Cannabis Retail franchise, distribution and licensing disputes. (click here) Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST David accepts appointment as sole or panel arbitrator in cannabis retain franchise, distribution, and licencing disputes (click here), whether domestic or international international dimension. As legal counsel, David has extensive experience in distribution disputes. David has practiced franchise law in Ontario, in connection with franchisors located in Ontario and the U.S.  His experience in franchise law includes representation in proceedings (and potential proceedings) concerning rescission and damages claims, counterclaims of franchisors, termination of franchise agreements, opinions on the application … Read More