In the case of Coscarella Dentistry Professional Corporation v. Harvey, 2025 ONCA 118, two dentists entered into an oral agreement where one served as an independent contractor at the other’s dental practice located in Windsor, Ontario. In 2018, the plaintiff/appellant’s son took over the clinic. Concurrently, the defendant/respondent opted to relocate his practice to a nearby site. Prior to his departure, he accessed patient records of those he had treated and sent out letters informing them of his new office location. The appellants contended that this constituted improper solicitation, conversion, and a breach of confidentiality. The trial judge decided in favor of the defendant/respondent, rejecting the claims made against him. During the appeal, the appellants contended that the trial judge misinterpreted the case by emphasizing patient autonomy over contractual responsibilities. They further argued that the trial judge incorrectly determined that the accessed information was not confidential and did not adequately … Read More
Contractual Intent in Real Estate Disputes: Court of Appeal for Ontario finds binding agreement in VanderMolen Homes Inc. v. Mani, 2025 ONCA 45
In the recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision in VanderMolen Homes Inc. v. Mani, 2025 ONCA 45, the appellants, a couple seeking to purchase a newly constructed home in Exeter, Ontario, entered into an agreement of purchase and sale with the respondent on January 13, 2022. The agreement was conditional, with a second deposit required upon removal of all conditions by January 20, 2022. The appellants requested an extension of the condition fulfillment deadline to January 26, 2022, with their offer set to expire at 11:59 p.m. on January 21, 2022. However, the respondent accepted this extension one day late, on January 22, 2022. Despite this, the appellants signed a waiver of conditions and provided the second deposit on January 26, 2022. Subsequent communications between the parties were minimal, with the appellants later alleging that they had assumed the deal was not proceeding. On August 17, 2022, just weeks before … Read More
A Cautionary Tale in Contract Interpretation: ID Inc. v. Toronto Wholesale Produce Association, 2025 ONCA 22
The Ontario Court of Appeal recently issued a significant decision in ID Inc. v. Toronto Wholesale Produce Association, 2025 ONCA 22, addressing fundamental principles of contract interpretation. The Plaintiff/Respondent, a company specializing in outdoor advertising opportunities, proposed transforming a traditional billboard at the Ontario Food Terminal (“OFT”) into a lucrative digital sign. The Plaintiff/Respondent entered into a Sale and Maintenance Agreement (“SMA”) with the Defendant/Appellant, which required the Plaintiff/Respondent to secure a necessary permit for transforming the billboard within 360 days (the “Permit”). While the Plaintiff began the Permit process, the Defendant/Appellant directed it to halt municipal efforts and explore a provincial approval path. This shift, driven by legal opinions suggesting the OFT Board might be exempt from municipal regulations, ultimately led to the SMA’s expiration without the Permit being acquired. The Defendant/Appellant later awarded the digital sign project to another company, sparking the within litigation. Key Issues on Appeal … Read More
Superior Court of Justice for Ontario Continues to Clarify the Utility of Summary Judgment in Failed Real Estate Transactions
In Kinariwala v Ruiz, 2024 ONSC 7188, the Superior Court of Justice – Ontario, dealt with yet another summary judgment motion involving a failed purchase agreement for a residential property. In Kinariwala v Ruiz, the defendant had agreed to purchase a piece of property located in Windsor, Ontario for $465,000.0 but failed to close the transaction, citing an inability to secure financing. This breach led the seller/plaintiff to re-list and eventually sell the property at a significantly reduced price of $340,000.00. The plaintiff sought to recover the financial losses incurred, including the difference in sale prices and holding costs. At the hearing of the motion, the Court addressed two primary issues between the parties. First, the court confirmed that the defendant breached the Agreement of Purchase and Sale (“APS”) for the property. Despite her claim that misrepresentations about the property’s income as a successful Airbnb potentially influenced her decision to … Read More
Promissory Estoppel, Part Performance, and Limitation Periods: Ontario Superior Court Refuses to Enforce Mortgage Beyond 10-Year Limit
In Albrecht v 1300880 Ontario Inc., 2024 ONSC 3328, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice examined key legal principles surrounding the extension of limitation periods through promissory estoppel and part performance. The case involved a mortgage that had been in default for over a decade, with the mortgagee seeking enforcement beyond the statutory limitation period (the “Mortgage”). The applicant sought to have the Mortgage discharged, arguing that enforcement was barred under Ontario’s Real Property Limitations Act (“RPLA”) ten-year cutoff. The respondent countered by asserting that an oral agreement between the parties extended the limitation period, relying on promissory estoppel and part performance to justify enforcement despite the expired limitation period. Citing the doctrine of promissory estoppel, which prevents a party from reneging on a promise without formal consideration, the respondent claimed there was an oral agreement to delay the enforcement of the Mortgage until the applicant’s financial condition improved, thereby … Read More
Summary Judgment Granted, Costs Awarded – Ontario Superior Court grants Summary Judgment in FactR Limited v. R.R.I.C.H. Construction, 2024 ONSC 4792
Summary judgment is a powerful procedural mechanism, allowing a party to file a motion to resolve a case early in the proceedings if there are no genuine issues for trial. In FactR Limited v. R.R.I.C.H. Construction, 2024 ONSC 4792, the Ontario Superior Court recently demonstrated the enhanced fact-finding powers afforded to judges when determining summary judgment motions involving contractual breaches and conversion of property. In FactR Limited v. R.R.I.C.H. Construction, the plaintiffs sought to recover money loaned to two defendants (the “Contract Defendants”) through invoicing factoring agreements (the “Agreements”), as well as an additional defendant for their alleged role in improperly converting a cheque payable to the plaintiffs (the “Fraudulent Defendant”). The motion judge ultimately ruled in favour of the plaintiffs, granting summary judgment and concluding there were no genuine issues requiring a trial. At the hearing for the summary judgment motion, the plaintiffs tendered evidence demonstrating the Contract Defendants’ … Read More
Jurisdiction and forum non conveniens in the Digital Age – Ontario Court Refuses to Certify Class Action against the United States Largest Cryptocurrency Exchange due to Lack of Jurisdiction
In Shirodkar v Coinbase Global Inc. et al, 2024 ONSC 1399, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice provides a review of jurisdictional challenges and the issue of forum non conveniens involving a cryptocurrency class action. The defendants, Coinbase Global, Inc., along with its affiliated entities (“Coinbase”), faced a class action lawsuit brought by a user of its online trading platform, Mr. Shirodkar, which Coinbase sought to dismiss due to a lack of jurisdiction. Coinbase operates a platform for buying and selling digital assets, including cryptocurrency. Between October 2017 and January 2021, Mr. Shirodkar conducted transactions on the Coinbase platform while residing in France and later in Ontario. His complaint, in the form of a class proceeding, alleged that the crypto assets traded on the Coinbase platform should be classified as “securities” under the Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S. 5 and that Coinbase failed to abide by the disclosure requirements … Read More
Breach of Contract Lawyers – Can Contracts that do not Specify Duration or that Lack a Termination Clause be Terminated Unilaterally?
Ontario’s Court of Appeal (“ONCA”) in Conseil Scolaire Catholique Franco-Nord v. Nipissing, 2021 ONCA 544 opined on how contracts that do not specify a termination date or a procedure for termination ought to be interpreted. The ONCA grappled with the question of whether to treat a contract that was silent on the issue of termination as either (1) a perpetual contract, that does not end, or (2) a contract of indefinite duration, into which the court can imply a provision allowing for unliteral termination upon reasonable notice. Historical Approach The ONCA advised that courts used to presume that contracts which were indefinite in time were perpetual in nature. However, this approach was subsequently disregarded, and courts began to presume a right to terminate an indefinite contract by the provision of reasonable notice. New Approach The ONCA advised that even more recently, however, a contextual, fact-specific, approach has been favoured by … Read More
Contract Lawyers – The Duty of Good Faith – Update on Bhasin v Hrynew
The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) recently released its decision in Wastech Services Ltd. v. Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District, 2021 SCC 7 (CanLII) which clarifies the operation of the duty to exercise contractual discretion in good faith described in the seminal case, Bhasin v. Hrynew, 2014 SCC 71 (CanLII), [2014] 3 SCR 494. The SCC confirms that where a party exercises a discretionary power under a contract, it must do so in good faith (meaning that parties must exercise their contractual duties honestly, reasonably, and not capriciously or arbitrarily). If a party violates the duty of good faith, the contract is breached. The SCC opined that the following question must be asked when deciding if a party breached the duty of good faith: Was the exercise of contractual discretion unconnected to the purpose for which the contract granted discretion? If the answer is yes, then the party has … Read More