Protecting your Business Name and Brand Identity: Court Grants Permanent Injunction in Edgewater Park Lodge Inc. v. Cadman et al., 2025 ONSC 1295

Harrison Neill-MorabitoBusiness Disputes, Civil Litigation, Commercial, Commercial Law, Commercial Litigation0 Comments

The recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Edgewater Park Lodge Inc. v. Cadman et al., 2025 ONSC 1295 sheds light on key issues related to business name registration, passing off, and injunctive relief. In Edgewater Park Lodge, the applicant successfully sought a permanent injunction against the respondents for their use of the business name “Red Canoe Family Restaurant,” which the court found to be deceptively similar to the applicant’s existing “Red Canoe Restaurant.” The appellant, operating since 2018, had an established reputation and goodwill in its restaurant business, particularly under the name “Red Canoe Restaurant.” The respondents registered and operated “Red Canoe Family Restaurant” in 2023 within the same regional district. The appellant sought relief under the Business Name Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. B.17 (“BNA”), arguing that the respondents’ business name was misleading and likely to cause confusion among consumers. The applicant also sought compensation under … Read More

Certainty in Contractual Agreements: Ontario Court of Appeal Emphasizes Importance of Essential Terms

Gilbertson Davis LLPBusiness Disputes, Commercial and Contract Litigation0 Comments

  A recent case from the Ontario Court of Appeal highlights that commercial parties must take care to ensure that their contracts are certain on essential terms when dealing with unsophisticated counterparties. In Corridor Transport Inc. v. Vittorio Junior Lentini, 2024 ONCA 773, a corporation was set up to carry on business transporting steel products (the “Venture”). 50% of the shares in the Venture were held by a sophisticated businessman (“JH”), and the other 50% were held by a trucking company that operated a separate business from the Venture (“Lentini”). Lentini’s principal left school after the fifth grade and immigrated to Canada from Italy as a young adult. The Venture claimed that JH would provide its startup and expansion capital , and Lentini would manage its day-to-day operations as an independent contractor. The parties agreed that Lentini could continue to operate its separate trucking business while participating in the Venture. … Read More

Corporate Governance Considerations During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Sabrina Saltmarsh, B.A. (Hons), J.D.Business Interruption, Business Law, Business Litigation, Business Torts | Economic Torts, By-laws, Closely-Held Business Disputes, Commercial, Commercial and Contract Litigation, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Law, Commercial Leasing, Commercial List Matters, Commercial Litigation, Contract Disputes, Coronavirus, Corporate Disputes, Corporate Litigation, COVID-19, Derivative Actions, Directors' and Officers' Liability, Family Business Disputes, Oppression Remedies, Partnership Dispute, Partnerships and Shareholder Disputes, Retail Disputes, Retail Litigation, Sale of Business Disputes, Shopping Mall Lease Disputes, Shopping Mall Lease Litigation0 Comments

Corporate governance issues are top of mind for directors and businesses who are attempting to navigate through the Covid-19 Pandemic related closures and emergency measures. Boards of Directors still need to operate and make decisions in the best interests of the corporation, and this can involve tough decisions, particularly where there is little guidance as to how measures to lift Covid-19 related restrictions will play out. By example, while it may be in the best interest of investors and shareholders that the Board act to lay off employees in the short term, the impact of staff shortages when Covid-19 restrictions are lifted may pose it’s own challenges. Many businesses must consider how to hold governance meetings during Covid-19 times. On March 30, 2020, Ontario passed an Order under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA), (Ontario Regulation 107/20) entitled “Meetings for Corporations” making temporary changes to the Business Corporations … Read More

Measures of Last Resort – The Benefits of Exit Provisions in Shareholder’s Agreements

Sabrina Saltmarsh, B.A. (Hons), J.D.Business Law, Business Litigation, Business Torts | Economic Torts, Civil Litigation, Closely-Held Business Disputes, Commercial, Commercial and Contract Litigation, Commercial Contracts, Corporate Disputes, Family Business Disputes, Non-Compete, Non-Competition Agreement, Non-Solicitation Agreement, Non-Solicitation Clause, Oppression Remedies, Sale of Business Disputes, Shareholder Disputes0 Comments

The benefits of a shareholder’s agreement may not be fully considered when parties are intending to go into business together and become joint shareholders in a corporation. Perhaps the mood is optimistic and none of the participants anticipate that things might sour between them down the road. Sometimes corporations are formed absent such an agreement. However, among other benefits, these agreements become particularly useful in managing risk and guiding shareholders through governance issues and disputes that may arise, efficiently so as to minimize disruption to the corporation’s business. Absent a shareholder’s agreement, shareholders in a closely held corporation that cannot see eye-to-eye regarding the operation and path of the corporation, may become stuck in a deadlock where decision-making is effectively stifled due to a stalemate between them. Shareholder’s agreements can serve to provide mechanisms to address deadlock, protect the voice and rights of minority shareholders, provide a road map for … Read More