In the recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision in VanderMolen Homes Inc. v. Mani, 2025 ONCA 45, the appellants, a couple seeking to purchase a newly constructed home in Exeter, Ontario, entered into an agreement of purchase and sale with the respondent on January 13, 2022. The agreement was conditional, with a second deposit required upon removal of all conditions by January 20, 2022. The appellants requested an extension of the condition fulfillment deadline to January 26, 2022, with their offer set to expire at 11:59 p.m. on January 21, 2022. However, the respondent accepted this extension one day late, on January 22, 2022. Despite this, the appellants signed a waiver of conditions and provided the second deposit on January 26, 2022. Subsequent communications between the parties were minimal, with the appellants later alleging that they had assumed the deal was not proceeding. On August 17, 2022, just weeks before … Read More
Superior Court of Justice for Ontario Continues to Clarify the Utility of Summary Judgment in Failed Real Estate Transactions
In Kinariwala v Ruiz, 2024 ONSC 7188, the Superior Court of Justice – Ontario, dealt with yet another summary judgment motion involving a failed purchase agreement for a residential property. In Kinariwala v Ruiz, the defendant had agreed to purchase a piece of property located in Windsor, Ontario for $465,000.0 but failed to close the transaction, citing an inability to secure financing. This breach led the seller/plaintiff to re-list and eventually sell the property at a significantly reduced price of $340,000.00. The plaintiff sought to recover the financial losses incurred, including the difference in sale prices and holding costs. At the hearing of the motion, the Court addressed two primary issues between the parties. First, the court confirmed that the defendant breached the Agreement of Purchase and Sale (“APS”) for the property. Despite her claim that misrepresentations about the property’s income as a successful Airbnb potentially influenced her decision to … Read More
Lessons from Paracha v. Naqi Construction Ltd.: The Importance of Written Agreements and Credibility in Real Estate Disputes
In the recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Paracha v. Naqi Construction Ltd., 2024 ONCA 816, the case involved a dispute over four real estate transactions, contested ownership interests, and allegations of financial misconduct. The case arose from investments made by the in four properties, with funds allegedly advanced to the appellants property acquisition, renovation, and sale. While the respondents claimed ownership interests in the properties, the appellants asserted the funds were loans. The absence of written agreements made the trial judge’s reliance on witness testimony and circumstantial evidence central to resolving the dispute. A critical factor in the trial court’s decision was its assessment of credibility. The trial judge found that the appellants’ testimony lacked reliability and that their arguments were contradicted by other witnesses, including a credible real estate agent. In contrast, the respondents’ evidence was found to be consistent and corroborated by independent inspections and documentation. … Read More
Promissory Estoppel, Part Performance, and Limitation Periods: Ontario Superior Court Refuses to Enforce Mortgage Beyond 10-Year Limit
In Albrecht v 1300880 Ontario Inc., 2024 ONSC 3328, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice examined key legal principles surrounding the extension of limitation periods through promissory estoppel and part performance. The case involved a mortgage that had been in default for over a decade, with the mortgagee seeking enforcement beyond the statutory limitation period (the “Mortgage”). The applicant sought to have the Mortgage discharged, arguing that enforcement was barred under Ontario’s Real Property Limitations Act (“RPLA”) ten-year cutoff. The respondent countered by asserting that an oral agreement between the parties extended the limitation period, relying on promissory estoppel and part performance to justify enforcement despite the expired limitation period. Citing the doctrine of promissory estoppel, which prevents a party from reneging on a promise without formal consideration, the respondent claimed there was an oral agreement to delay the enforcement of the Mortgage until the applicant’s financial condition improved, thereby … Read More
Ontario Court of Appeal upholds Partial Summary Judgment Decision in VP Auto Sales & Service Ltd v Ahmed2 Inc.
VP Auto Sales & Service Ltd. v Ahmed2 Inc., 2024 ONCA 507, saw the Ontario Court of Appeal (the “Court”) address a motion judge’s grant of partial summary judgment, with damages being reserved for trial. The Court, in one of its rare decisions on partial summary judgment, agreed with Motion judge’s ruling. The respondent entered an Agreement of Purchase and Sale (the “Agreement”) with the appellant. Before the closing, the appellant raised concerns about the price being too high and requested a discount, which was refused by the respondent. On the scheduled closing date, the appellant did not proceed with the transaction, citing a breach of the Agreement by the respondent. This resulted in the property remaining unsold, prompting the respondent to seek summary judgment against the appellant for the purchase price of $4,750,000. The motion judge granted summary judgment on liability, finding the appellant accountable for the failure to … Read More
A Promise Made is a Promise Kept: Ontario Superior Court Grants Permanent Injunction to Enforce Provisions of Long-term Supply and Lease Agreement
In Parkland Corporation v. Caledon Fuels Inc., 2024 ONSC 2361, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice granted an injunction which prevented a party to a long-term lease and supply agreement from breaching certain negative covenants contained in that contract. The Applicant and Respondent were both parties to an agreement under which the Applicant was made the exclusive supplier of petroleum products to a gas station which it subleased to the Respondent. In January of 2024, the Respondent notified the Applicant that it intended to enter into arrangements with another supplier, in contravention of the agreement. The Applicant brought an urgent application seeking a permanent injunction, to prevent the Respondent from doing so. In its decision, the Court’s analysis on the injunctive relief sought by the Applicant followed the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in 711811 Ontario Ltd. (AdLine) v. Buckley Insurance Brokers Ltd., 2014 ONCA 125, where that Court cited … Read More
Failure To Close A Real Estate Transaction Can Be Very Costly
For many reasons, an agreement of purchase and sale to buy real estate may be breached by either the seller or the purchaser. The innocent party may be entitled to significant compensation. For instance, in the recent Ontario Court of Appeal (ONCA) decision, Rosehaven Homes Limited v. Aluko, 2022 ONCA 817, the ONCA upheld a lower court decision granting summary judgment requiring the appellants to pay damages to the respondent arising from the appellants’ failure to complete an agreement of purchase and sale for the purchase of a home. In that case, the appellants were unable to complete the transaction because they could not obtain sufficient financing. However, the agreement was not conditional on them obtaining financing. The respondent ultimately sold the property at a loss (compared to the sale price agreed to between the parties). The lower court awarded $331,922.27 to the respondent (being the difference between the original … Read More
Entire Agreement Clause Not A Shield To Fraudulent Misrepresentation
In the recent Court of Appeal ruling of 10443204 Canada Inc. v. 2701835 Ontario Inc., 2022 ONCA 745, the Court of Appeal clarified that entire agreement clauses in contracts do not shield any representor or deprive any party to a contract from remedies available for a fraudulent misrepresentation. Background In May of 2019 the appellant Chirag Patel and his corporation 2701835 Ontario Inc. (the appellants) entered into a purchase agreement (the “APS”) with the respondent 10443204 Canada Inc. (the respondent), related to the purchase of a coin laundry business located in Brampton. The APS contained an entire agreement clause of which the relevant part indicated: “There is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition, affecting this Agreement other than as expressed herein.” In accordance with amended terms to the APS concerning the purchase price the appellants made a partial payment of $100,000 on closing and the balance of the purchase … Read More
Breach of Agreement of Purchase and Sale – What are Your Options?
The Ontario Court of Appeal (ONCA) in Ching v. Pier 27 Toronto Inc., 2021 ONCA 551 (CanLII), recently outlined the options an innocent party to an agreement of purchase and sale (APS) has upon the other party breaching (i.e. repudiating) the APS. General Principles Repudiation is the refusal of one party to an APS to abide by the terms of the APS. Repudiation by one party does not in itself result in the termination of the APS. Rather, repudiation provides the innocent party (i.e. the non-repudiating party) to the APS with the following choices: Accept the repudiation (i.e. disaffirm the APS); or Treat the APS as subsisting (i.e. affirm the APS). The innocent party generally has a reasonable period of time to choose whether to disaffirm or affirm the APS. However, waiting too long may result in a court determining that the APS has been affirmed. During this reasonable waiting … Read More
Purchaser Breached Agreement of Purchase and Sale? Damages Awards and Importance of Mitigation
In the Court of Appeal’s (“ONCA”) recent decision Tribute (Springwater) Limited v. Atif, 2021 ONCA 463 (CanLII) the ONCA clarifies the law regarding damages and mitigation in cases involving aborted real estate transactions. This decision involves an appeal from a summary judgment granting the plaintiff seller damages for the defendant purchaser’s failure to close a residential real estate transaction. Damages The ONCA advises that damages in a failed real estate transaction are generally determined “based on the difference between the agreed sale price under the parties’ agreement of purchase and sale and the market value of the property at the date set for closing”. Depending on context, a court may choose a different date, other than the date for closing. There may also be other damages, such as carrying costs and other expenses incurred by the plaintiff while holding the property for a subsequent sale. Mitigation The ONCA states that … Read More
Aborting A Real Estate Deal Can Have Major Consequences
A recent Court of Appeal ruling illustrates the severe consequences that can flow from aborting a real estate transaction. In the decision of Joo v. Tran, 2021 ONCA 107, the Court of Appeal declined to give effect to a term that was included in an agreement of purchase and sale (APS), on the basis that such an interpretation of the clause would have resulted in an absurdity. The clause indicated that the vendors would discharge any encumbrances on or before closing, either through sale proceeds or by way of a solicitor’s undertaking, which term was included in Schedule A of the APS. The decision arose from the appeal of a ruling on a summary judgment motion brought by the seller, who sued the purchaser in a real estate transaction for breach of contract, after the purchaser expressing concerns regarding utility easements on the property, aborted the real estate transaction. The … Read More
Five Reasons People Sue After Buying or Selling Real Estate
In a heated real estate market where blind bidding and unconditional offers are necessary to compete, often times purchasers are vulnerable to pulling the trigger and asking questions afterwards. Conversely sellers are looking to capitalize on market highs and looking to sell for top dollar which often comes down to timing. These competing interests can lead to litigation when a real estate transaction doesn’t go as planned. Here are five common reasons that litigation arises from real estate transactions: 1) Breach of Contract Litigation often arises because a seller or purchaser has breached the purchase and sale agreement. There are many contractual terms that set out the rights and obligations of the respective parties in a real estate transaction including the closing date, title clearance, deposit requirements, inclusions, exclusions, and conditions. A Plaintiff commencing suit over a breach of the contract must prove that they have complied with all of … Read More
A Guide to Urgent Residential Eviction Orders and Enforcement During COVID-19
On March 19, 2020, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice suspended the eviction of residents from their homes, pursuant to eviction orders issued by the Landlord and Tenant Board or writs of possession, during the COVID-19 pandemic, unless ordered otherwise in an urgent motion. On the same day, the Landlord and Tenant Board suspended all hearings related to eviction applications and suspended the issuance of eviction orders, unless the matter related to an urgent issue such as an illegal act or a serious safety threat. Urgent Eviction Order or Urgent Enforcement? 1. If the landlord requires an urgent eviction order, then the landlord should proceed to file an urgent application with the Landlord and Tenant Board. 2. If the landlord already has an eviction order (or writ of possession) and requires urgent enforcement, then an urgent motion should be made to the Superior Court of Justice under Rule 60.17 of … Read More
COVID-19 / Coronavirus: Are Closing Dates Extended Due to Construction Sites Closing?
On April 3, 2020, the Ontario government ordered that further non-essential businesses must close by April 4, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. including closing down most construction sites in order to flatten the curve of the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of essential businesses was reduced from 74 to 44. The revised list of essential businesses can be found here. Construction sites related to the healthcare sector, provincial infrastructure such as transit, and projects related to the production of ventilators and other products directly related to fighting COVID-19 were permitted to remain open. Residential construction sites were permitted to remain open where: (i) a footing permit has been granted for single family, semi-detached and townhouses; (ii) an above grade structural permit has been granted for condominiums; or (iii) the work was related to renovations and started before April 4, 2020. Given the expansive definition of essential residential construction sites, it appears that … Read More
COVID-19 / Coronavirus: Urgent Hearings for Real Estate Closings
Following on my blog on scheduling urgent hearings for commercial lease matters, this blog is on the scheduling of an urgent hearing involving a real estate closing. In Ali v. Tariq, 2020 ONSC 1695, the applicant had sold her property and discovered that a writ of execution had been registered against her property during routine searches performed for the closing. Apparently, her former father-in-law had obtained default judgment against her in small claims court and obtained a writ of execution at around the time of her divorce. A writ of execution filed in the county or district in which the property is located will effectively prevent the sale of the property until the judgment is set aside or fully satisfied. After the applicant’s offer to pay the sale proceeds into her lawyer’s trust account was rejected, the applicant sought an urgent hearing before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice under … Read More
Ontario Introduces Bill to Update Rules for Realtors
Last week, the Ontario government introduced the Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2019 to update the current legislation that governs Ontario’s more than 86,000 real estate professionals. Yesterday, the bill passed second reading and was referred to the Standing Committee for witness testimony and further amendments. The stated goals of the proposed legislation include improving consumer protection and choice in the market and improving professionalism among real estate professionals and brokerages through enhanced ethical requirements. Some of the more significant proposed changes include: Disclosing Details of Competing Bids – At the seller’s option, the seller’s real estate agent may disclose the details of competing offers to other bidders. Currently, the seller’s agent is required to disclose the number of competing offers to all buyers who have submitted a written offer but the purchase price and conditions remain confidential. Clients vs. Customers – There will no longer be “clients” and … Read More
Deposits In Failed Real Property Transactions
The recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Azzarello v. Shawqi, 2019 ONCA 820, illustrates the purpose of providing a deposit when purchasing real property and under what circumstances a purchaser will lose their deposit or be refunded the deposit if the sale does not go through. There are some important general principles that purchasers and sellers should be aware of regarding deposits in a real estate transaction: 1) Contemplation Regarding The Deposit In the Contract Is Important Purchasers and sellers should carefully consider the terms to be included in the purchase and sale agreement regarding the deposit. The contract should be clear about what happens to the deposit in all possible scenarios. In cases where it is not, the courts will look to implied terms in the contract and existing case law which governs how deposits are dealt with. 2) The Reason The Sale Fell Apart Is Important The … Read More
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