Media and Entertainment Lawyers in Toronto Ontario
Entertainment Business Dispute Lawyers for Litigation

Media Contracts and Agency Agreements
Online Defamation

Entertainment and media law is a complex area that can involve many different areas of law, including:

  • Contract disputes
  • Agency agreements
  • Breach of Privacy
  • Joint Venture agreements
  • Shareholder, Partnership, and Investor disputes
  • Defamation
  • Advertising and Unfair Competition
  • Copyright and Trade-mark Infringement
  • Appropriation of Personality
  • Private International Law
  • Insurance

Contract Disputes

Gilbertson Davis LLP has lawyers with experience in the resolution of disputes concerning contracts and agreements of diverse subject matter in a wide variety of businesses and industries, from single page contracts to complex licensing agreements, including standard form contracts common to the media industry.

Our team can efficiently represent you or your business in any contractual dispute, including where there are international issues involved.

Shareholder, Partnership, and Joint Venture Disputes

Lawyers within our team have represented individual shareholders, partners, and investors in litigation and arbitration proceedings, and have the experience necessary to effectively represent individuals or businesses involved in any dispute. If such disputes are not resolved quickly and efficiently, it can often have a negative long-term effect on the success of a business, partnership, or joint venture. It is important to receive prompt and results-oriented legal representation when such issues arise.


When defamation occurs, it is important that you take strong and immediate steps to protect your reputation, especially when the defamation occurs online. We can advise and represent you or your business on jurisdictional issues concerning your claims in relation to the online defamation and the likelihood of liability of the author, publisher, registrant (owner) of a website, blog, social media or forum, or internet service provider hosting such online presence.

Intellectual Property Infringement

Intellectual property rights are at the heart of any media and entertainment endeavour. It is also a central issue to most media litigation. It is important that you ensure the intellectual property at issue is protected and that you take prompt and effective action against any infringement.


When engaging in large and complex media and entertainment endeavours, it is often prudent to obtain relevant insurance coverage to protect against potential risks. Gilbertson Davis LLP has lawyers with experience in the insurance industry, representing both insured and insurers in all manner of insurance issues.

If you are in the media or entertainment industry, it is important to have counsel who can advise and represent you on all these different aspects. At Gilbertson Davis LLP, we have a broad range of experience to assist with any of these issues. We can efficiently and cost-effectively act for and represent individuals and businesses, such as:

  • Television, radio and film producers
  • Print publishers
  • Individual performers, artists, and authors
  • Sports teams and athletes
  • Agents and managers
  • Licensors and licensees
  • Investors, partners, shareholders, and joint venturers
  • Streaming Content producers

If you wish to discuss your media or entertainment issue, please contact us for an initial consultation

Please contact Gilbertson Davis LLP to arrange an initial consultation.

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