Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitration Chambers
Technology Arbitrator | Tech Disputes Arbitrator
IT Arbitrator | IP Arbitrator | Internet Arbitrator
Trademark Licensing Arbitrator | IP Licensing Arbitrator
Technology Procurement Dispute Arbitrator
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Dispute Arbitrator
David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M, Q.Arb
Arbitrator for Technology Arbitration | Trained and Skilled Arbitrator
Qualified, Experienced and Independent Arbitrator with Competitive Hourly
Rates Offered and Good Availability for Arbitration Hearings
Serving All of Ontario & Elsewhere in Canada From Toronto Office
Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST*
Arbitration of IP, IT, and Technology disputes often presents the need to understand complex systems and the skills to manage complex dispute resolution. Experience in Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Internet-based disputes often requires an understanding of advanced scientific and engineering concepts. ADR in technology disputes provides parties with efficiency and confidentiality, and an adjudicator who welcomes the complexity inherent in the dispute.
David Alderson is an experienced, qualified and independent arbitrator who offers appointment as an arbitrator in technology arbitration at a reasonable hourly rate and with good availability.
His practice of over 40 years, and in Canada and other international jurisdictions, has been in a diverse array of commercial and technical disputes, including trademark infringement, passing off, copyright infringement, injunctions to take down fake websites and applications to transfer confusingly similar domain names, licensing disputes, reinsurance, and marine arbitration. He has been counsel in both the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal in a leading trademark and internet case. He has been counsel in numerous internet-related disputes.
David is listed under the Canadian International Internet Dispute Resolution Centre’s (CIIDRC) Directory of Canadian Intellectual property lawyers.
David’s practice areas, though diverse, mostly share a common trait, namely that they involve matters relating to technology, often emerging or possessing interdisciplinary aspects. His practice has gravitated towards the factually technical and the legally complex. David entered law school after two years of undergraduate study of mathematics at a level resulting in scholarship recognition each year. He has always viewed a challenge as an opportunity.
Arbitrator for Technology Disputes
David offers appointment as sole arbitrator and panel arbitrator in a wide variety of technology, intellectual property, information technology and internet related disputes. These include, but are not limited to the following disputes.
- Licensing Agreements
- Computer Disputes
- Technology Disputes
- Technology Contracts
- IT Disputes
- IP Disputes
- Start-up Business Disputes
- Non-Compete Disputes
- Management Agreements
- Consultancy Contracts
- Service Agreements
- Procurement Disputes
- Computer Systems
- Software Agreements
- Software Development Disputes
- Hardware Contacts
- Systems Disputes
- Complex Disputes
- Implementation Disputes
- Integration Disputes
- Infringement Claims
- Outsourcing Disputes
- Non-Solicit Disputes
- e-Commerce Disputes
- Distribution Disputes
- Online Entertainment
- Streaming & Online Media
- Cyber Security Agreements
- Data Protection
- Data Breach
- Trademark & Passing Off
- Gaming Disputes
- Website Disputes
- Web Design Disputes
- Technology Procurement
Technology Procurement Arbitrator, Tech Goods and Services Dispute Arbitrator, Public Contract Arbitrator, Government Technology Contract Arbitrator
David Alderson is an independent, experienced and qualified Arbitrator whose practice in technology and internet, sale of goods and services, projects, project finance and joint ventures make him an ideal choice as sole or panel arbitrator for technology procurement disputes.
David can arbitrate disputes arising from contracts for goods or services involving any level of government in Canada, provinces or municipalities, multi-level joint venture, involving domestic or foreign contracts. He offers expedited arbitration procedures and early hearing dates.
Membership and Accreditation
David is an arbitrating member of the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society, the ADR Institute of Ontario, the Ontario Bar Association Remote Arbitrator and Mediator List and Gilbertson Davis LLP Arbitration and Mediation Chambers. His roster membership can be viewed here. He holds a LL.B, LL.M and Q.Arb. He has practiced law in Ontario, Canada, England & Wales, Bermuda and Dubai. He is also admitted, but does not currently practice in the state of New York. David has completed each of the Foundations in Judicial Competencies Series, and the Adjudicative Tribunal Competency Series and has been granted a Certificate of Completion in each by the Ontario Bar Association.
He has always promoted arbitration as an efficient and confidential alternative to the courts. David has often spoken or written on matters of interest to commercial arbitrators and counsel engaged in arbitration. He has been counsel engaged in arbitration related cases.
Expedited Arbitration
In appropriate cases, David accepts appointment as an arbitrator to conduct expedited arbitration. David’s engagements in expedited arbitration is discussed here.
Hourly Rate and Availability
David accepts appointment as a technology arbitrator on competitive hourly rates based on the amount in dispute, plus applicable taxes, disbursements, expenses and the cost of facilities. He has good availability, typically holding the First Meeting in the arbitration within one week of appointment, and the arbitration hearing within a few months, unless urgency dictates an earlier hearing.
Moving Litigation to Arbitration
David accepts technology arbitrator appointment in matters having been moved from the courts, either by order of the court, or by consensual provisions to enable the matter to move forward promptly. Moving matters in litigation to arbitration is discussed here.
Speaker & Panel member
The ADR Institute of Ontario announced that “Part 2 (Nov 7) of our panel discussion series will feature leading experts David Alderson, Marvin Huberman and Todd L Archibald, focusing on core principles and key concepts of Arbitration and Med-Arb”.
David Alderson, an Ontario Dispute Resolution Professional, participated as a panel member on November 7, 2024.
Appointment, Resume and Terms of Appointment
David accepts appointments across Canada, from Chambers based in Toronto, Ontario.
Terms of Appointment available on request from the Intake Coordinator
A sample Terms of Appointment can be downloaded here. The Password is available from the Intake Coordinator
Please contact the Arbitrator’s Assistant and Intake Coordinator at (416) 979 2020, ext. 223 or by email at
Competitive hourly rates offered, plus facilities and applicable taxes.
Languages: English
* Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST (does not include Panel Arbitrator, or a Sole Arbitrator that becomes a Panel Arbitrator)

Expedited Arbitration Arbitrator
Automated Machinery and Robotics
Confusingly Similar Domain Name
Counterfeit Online Retail Website
Counterfeit Retail Domain Name
Fashion Design | Industrial Design
Licensing Agreement Litigation
Passing Off Product or Packaging
Technology and Software Disputes