David Alderson, LL.B, LL.M, Q.Arb: Commercial Arbitrator for Shareholder Disputes, Partnership Disputes and Joint Venture Disputes
Competitive Hourly Fee Rates Offered. Sole Arbitrator – $495.00 per hour, plus HST
David has been accredited by the ADR Institute as Canada as a Qualified Arbitrator (Q.Arb). He accepts appointments as a commercial arbitrator (sole arbitrator and party appointee) at reasonable hourly rates and with good availability. He accepts appointment as arbitrator in shareholder disputes, partnership disputes and joint venture disputes.
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has appointed David as arbitrator in commercial arbitration matters. David is a member of the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society, and has successfully completed the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society Gold Standard Course in Commercial Arbitration. He is also a Full Member of the ADR Institute of Ontario and appears in its Member Directory. David is on the Member Arbitrator on the Ontario Bar Association Remote Arbitration and Mediation Member Roster.
David has lived and practiced business litigation and arbitration in Ontario, England, Bermuda and Dubai, in a wide variety of disputes in a diverse range of businesses and industries. He is also admitted in New York State.
His LL.B (Osgoode) and LL.M (Lond.) Commercial and Corporate, were granted in 1980 and 1988, respectively. David has acted as counsel in both domestic and international arbitration, including institutional and ad hoc arbitration.
David has appeared as a barrister in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (including the Commercial List), the Divisional Court, the Ontario Court of Appeal, the Federal Court (Canada), Federal Court of Appeal (Canada) and as co-counsel the Supreme Court of Canada.
In his over 40 years of practice both here and abroad David has actively promoted the resolution of commercial, business and property disputes through arbitration. He has spoken to lawyers at Continuing Legal Education events, and given interviews to legal publications, on matters concerning arbitration, including:
- Law Times Cover Story July 20, 2018: “OCA upholds U.S. rabbinical court’s award. Province a leader in international commercial arbitration” concerning Popack v. Lipszyc, 2018 ONCA 635 (Quoted)
- Law Times Cover Story – Enforce Arbitration Agreements: Ruling, November 21, 2016, Re: Haas v. Gunasekaram, 2016 ONCA 744 (Co-Counsel on motion)
- Panelist at the Law Society of Upper Canada Continuing Professional Development program, The Annotated Partnership Agreement 2015, on the panel entitled “Review of the Differences (Legal and Drafting) Between a Partnership and a Joint Venture – Understanding the Significant Consequences“. This included discussion on the use of arbitration clauses in international joint venture agreements.
- New Developments in Emergency Arbitration Procedures – Interview Published in Law Times (April 2013)
- ABA Annual Meeting, Section of Litigation event “Strategic Choices in International Arbitration: the Impact of Forum Selection and Choice-of-Law Decisions” covering competence-competence doctrine, severability (separability) and judicial intervention in determining the jurisdiction of a tribunal; and the enforcement of arbitral awards, including public policy exclusion to enforcement and the effect of local limitation periods in the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitration awards in UNCITRAL / Model law jurisdictions (August 2011)
Terms of Appointment available on request.
David online Bio pages are here: Arbitrator and Lawyer
Reasonable Hourly Fee Rate , plus facilities and applicable taxes.
Contact the Arbitration Intake Coordinator with any inquiries you may have concerning the appointment and availability of David Alderson as arbitrator in shareholder, partnership and property disputes at (416) 979 2020, ext. 223 or by email at info@gilbertsondavis.com